🌍 Notebook at a glance

Visual Analysis of Global Inequality Data 🌍

In this notebook, we delve deep into the world of inequality through the lens of data visualization. Our primary aim is to derive insights and portray the trends effectively to our audience.


This Jupyter Notebook examines global inequality using three key indicators: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Human Development Index (HDI), and the Gini Index. These metrics help assess economic performance, human development, and income inequality across different countries. The analysis includes data processing, visualization, and interpretation of these indicators to understand global disparities.

Data Sources

Through data visualization and comparative analysis, this notebook aims to provide insights into global economic and social inequalities.

🛠️ Install packages

!python -m pip install --upgrade pip -q
!pip install geopandas -q

### 📊 Bubble Plot: GDP Per Capita vs. Gini Index

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Define file paths
gini_file_path = r"C:\Users\11\Desktop\Python\Python Project\Global Inequlity Analysis\Gini Index.xlsx"
gdp_file_path = r"C:\Users\11\Desktop\Python\Python Project\Global Inequlity Analysis\NationalGDP.xls"

# Read the Excel files
df = pd.read_excel(gini_file_path, engine="openpyxl")
GDP = pd.read_excel(gdp_file_path, engine="xlrd")

# Clean column names by stripping spaces and replacing inner spaces with underscores
GDP.columns = GDP.columns.str.strip().str.replace(r'\s+', '_', regex=True)
df.columns = df.columns.str.strip().str.replace(r'\s+', '_', regex=True)

# Pivot the Gini Index table so that each country's yearly values become columns
pivot_df = df.pivot_table(values="Gini_Index", index=['Country', 'ISO-3_Code'], columns="Year")

# Select the years 2013 to 2022
IEQ_10 = pivot_df[[2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022]]
GDP_10 = GDP[['Country_Code', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', '2021', '2022']]

# Compute the median Gini Index (IEQ value) for each country
IEQ_10_Median = IEQ_10.median(axis=1).reset_index()

# Compute the mean GDP across the selected years for each country
GDP_10_Mean = GDP_10.set_index('Country_Code').mean(axis=1).reset_index()

# Rename ISO-3_Code to Country_Code in the IEQ dataframe for merging
IEQ_10_Median.rename(columns={"ISO-3_Code": "Country_Code"}, inplace=True)

# Merge the two datasets on Country_Code
Co_IEQ_GDP = IEQ_10_Median.merge(GDP_10_Mean, on='Country_Code', suffixes=('_ieq', '_gdp'))

# For clarity, rename the merged numeric columns to '0_ieq' and '0_gdp'
# The merged DataFrame typically ends up with the new GDP column as the third column.
Co_IEQ_GDP.rename(columns={Co_IEQ_GDP.columns[2]: '0_ieq', Co_IEQ_GDP.columns[3]: '0_gdp'}, inplace=True)


# Drop rows with non-finite values in '0_gdp' or '0_ieq'
Co_IEQ_GDP = Co_IEQ_GDP[np.isfinite(Co_IEQ_GDP['0_gdp']) & np.isfinite(Co_IEQ_GDP['0_ieq'])]

# Sort the DataFrame by '0_gdp' (mean GDP) in ascending order
Co_IEQ_GDP = Co_IEQ_GDP.sort_values(by='0_gdp', ascending=True)

# Set up the bubble plot figure
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
sns.set_theme(style="whitegrid", palette="muted", font="sans-serif", font_scale=1.3)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8), dpi=300)
# Create the bubble plot:
scatter = sns.scatterplot(
    x='0_gdp',          # x-axis: mean GDP
    y='0_ieq',          # y-axis: median Gini Index
    size='0_gdp',       # Bubble size based on mean GDP (you can change this if desired)
    sizes=(50, 1000),   # Adjust bubble size range
    alpha=0.7,          # Transparency for bubbles

# Annotate each bubble with the Country_Code
for _, row in Co_IEQ_GDP.iterrows():
    # Only annotate if both values are finite
    if np.isfinite(row['0_gdp']) and np.isfinite(row['0_ieq']):
        plt.text(row['0_gdp'], row['0_ieq'], row['Country_Code'],
                 fontsize=9, ha='center', va='center')
# Customize the plot
plt.title("Bubble Plot: GDP Per Capita vs. Gini Index", fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel("GDP Per Capita(2013-2022)", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("Gini Index (2013-2022)", fontsize=14)

# Display the plot
     Country Country_Code  0_ieq         0_gdp
0    Albania          ALB   32.8   5105.599340
1    Algeria          DZA    NaN   4765.032468
2     Angola          AGO   51.3   2855.680197
3  Argentina          ARG   41.8  12102.698302
4    Armenia          ARM   31.5   4275.722679
<Figure size 1200x800 with 0 Axes>

### 📊 by Inequality in income(2021)

import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load world map data
world = gpd.read_file(r"C:\Users\11\Desktop\Python\Python Project\Global Inequlity Analysis\110m_cultural\ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp")

# Load GINI Index data
GINI = pd.read_excel(r"C:\Users\11\Desktop\Python\Python Project\Global Inequlity Analysis\Gini Index.xlsx")

# Strip spaces from column names
GINI.columns = GINI.columns.str.strip()

# Ensure 'Year' is numeric
GINI['Year'] = pd.to_numeric(GINI['Year'], errors='coerce')

# Filter data for years 2013-2022 and calculate the median
GINI_filtered = GINI[(GINI['Year'] >= 2013) & (GINI['Year'] <= 2022)]
Pivot_GINI = GINI_filtered.pivot_table(values="Gini Index", index=['Country', 'ISO-3 Code'], aggfunc='median')

# Reset index so 'ISO-3 Code' is no longer part of the index

# Rename median column
GINI_median = Pivot_GINI.rename(columns={"Gini Index": 'GINI_Median'})

# Merging datasets
merged_gini = world.set_index('SOV_A3').join(GINI_median.set_index('ISO-3 Code'))

# Filter out invalid values
filtered_merged_gini = merged_gini[merged_gini['GINI_Median'] > 0]

# Plot the GINI Index map
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 10))
filtered_merged_gini.plot(column='GINI_Median', ax=ax, legend=True, cmap="RdYlGn_r",
                           legend_kwds={'label': "Median GINI Index (2013-2022) by Country", 'orientation': "horizontal"})

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.lines as mlines

# Load GINI data
GINI = pd.read_excel(r"C:\Users\11\Desktop\Python\Python Project\Global Inequlity Analysis\Gini Index.xlsx")

# Strip spaces from column names
GINI.columns = GINI.columns.str.strip()

# Ensure 'Year' is numeric
GINI['Year'] = pd.to_numeric(GINI['Year'], errors='coerce')

# Filter data for years 2013-2022 and calculate the median
GINI_filtered = GINI[(GINI['Year'] >= 2013) & (GINI['Year'] <= 2022)]
Pivot_GINI = GINI_filtered.pivot_table(values="Gini Index", index=['Country', 'ISO-3 Code'], aggfunc='median')

# Reset index so 'ISO-3 Code' is no longer part of the index


# Sort and select top/bottom 30
sorted_GINI = Pivot_GINI.sort_values('Gini Index', ascending=False)
top_30_GINI = sorted_GINI.head(30)
bottom_30_GINI = sorted_GINI.tail(30)

def highlight_top3(rank):
    if rank == 1:
        return 'gold'
    elif rank == 2:
        return 'silver'
    elif rank == 3:
        return 'brown'
        return 'skyblue'

# Function to create lollipop chart
def lollipop_chart(data, title):
    # Sort data
    sorted_data = data.sort_values('Gini Index', ascending=False)

    # Create base figure and axis
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 12))

    # Lollipop lines
    ax.vlines(x=sorted_data['Country'], ymin=0, ymax=sorted_data['Gini Index'], color='gray', alpha=0.6)

    # Lollipop heads
    ax.scatter(sorted_data['Country'], sorted_data['Gini Index'], color=[highlight_top3(rank) for rank in range(1, len(data)+1)], s=75, alpha=0.6)

    # Title & grid
    ax.set_title(title, fontdict={'size':15})
    ax.grid(linestyle='--', alpha=0.6)
    ax.set_ylabel('Gini Index (Median 2013-2022)')

    # Display
    plt.gca().invert_xaxis()  # For top ranks to appear on the left side.

# Create lollipop charts for top and bottom 30 countries
lollipop_chart(bottom_30_GINI, 'Top 30 Countries that have the lowest Gini Index (Median 2013-2022)')
lollipop_chart(top_30_GINI, 'Bottom 30 Countries that have the lowest Gini Index (Median 2013-2022)')
     Country ISO-3 Code  Gini Index
0    Albania        ALB        32.8
1     Angola        AGO        51.3
2  Argentina        ARG        41.8
3    Armenia        ARM        31.5
4  Australia        AUS        34.3

📊 choropleth map by HDI ranking

import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load world map data
world = gpd.read_file(r"C:\Users\11\Desktop\Python\Python Project\Global Inequlity Analysis\110m_cultural\ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp")

# Load HDI data
HDI = pd.read_excel(r"C:\Users\11\Desktop\Python\Python Project\Global Inequlity Analysis\Human development index (HDI).xlsx")

# Strip spaces from column names
HDI.columns = HDI.columns.str.strip()

# Ensure 'Year' is numeric
HDI['Year'] = pd.to_numeric(HDI['Year'], errors='coerce')

# Pivot Table
Pivot_HDI = HDI.pivot_table(values="Human development index (HDI)", index=['Country', 'ISO-3 Code'], columns="Year")

# Reset index so 'ISO-3 Code' is no longer part of the index

# Extract HDI for 2022
if 2022 in Pivot_HDI.columns:  # Ensure 2022 data exists
    HDI_2022 = Pivot_HDI[['ISO-3 Code', 2022]].rename(columns={2022: 'HDI_2022'})
    raise ValueError("HDI data for 2022 is not available in the dataset.")

# Print first rows to verify

# Merging datasets
merged = world.set_index('SOV_A3').join(HDI_2022.set_index('ISO-3 Code'))

# Print to verify the merge

# Filter out countries with HDI rank of 0
filtered_merged = merged[merged['HDI_2022'] > 0]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 10))
filtered_merged.plot(column='HDI_2022', ax=ax, legend=True, cmap="RdYlGn",
                    legend_kwds={'label': "HDI Rank by Country", 'orientation': "horizontal"})