Author: xiaoze
Strengthen International Regulatory Cooperation among BRICS for Greater Social and Economic Development in the Post-Pandemic Era
Despite the profound and far-reaching impact of the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the world, the momentum of economic globalization cannot be changed. Confronted by multiple global problems, including sluggish economic recovery, severe inflation, food insecurity, and energy crisis, the international community needs further strengthen international economic cooperation and maintain the global…
Data Visualization of Chinese Trade
Embed China Trade Data China’s Trade Volume in Different Continents (2000-2023) Embed China Trade Data China’s Export, Import and Total (2000-2023) Embed China Trade Data China’s trade surplus (2000-2023) Embed China Trade Data China’s Trade Composition (2023)- Interactive Embed China Trade Data China’s Top 10 Trade Countries Sum (2014-2023)
Literature review – Xiaoze – 2024 Chinese National Social Science Fund of China Major Grant Proposal
The evolving landscape of global economic and trade regulations has introduced significant challenges, including “decoupling and supply chain disruptions” in trade, “international capital relocation” in investment, “systemic financial risks,” and “technological blockades and containment.” These regulatory shifts have posed substantial obstacles to China’s efforts to establish a more advanced open…
Literature review – Xiaoze – 2023 Chinese Dep. of Education Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC) Major Grant Proposal
The attention paid by domestic and foreign academic circles to “Institutional Opening-up” and “International Regulatory Cooperation” has increased year by year, and it has become one of the core issues of domestic and foreign academic research after the 20th CPC National Congress. So far, relevant research has achieved relatively fruitful…
Literature review – Xiaoze – 2022 Chinese National Social Science Fund of China Major Grant Proposal
3. Project Design and Argumentation Table 4. Research status and topic value (within 5000 words) The report of the 20th CPC National Congress clearly proposed to promote high-level opening up, build an open world economy, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. Promoting high-level…
The Trade Strategy of the New U.S. Administration and China’s Response
The WTO rules, characterized by a distinct multilateralism, have effectively driven trade liberalization over the past three decades, reshaping global trade governance and ending the era of single-country dominance in global trade and its rules. However, the WTO system faces numerous challenges, among which the strategic competition between the U.S.…
Causality between International Trade and Inequality in China and US from 2000 to 2023
In China, trade is a major disruption in regional,urban-rural and industrial inequality in the beginning years for obvious reasons — trade happens in costal cities, and in labor-intensive sector first. But with the dynamic gain from trade and the boosting of domestic economic activities, the effect trade brought on inequality…